Throughout the month we have different ways for the children to worship and learn about God.
COGs (Children Of God)
Most weeks the children start in the service for a song and a prayer or activity and then leave for their own session in the hall.
COGs meets in two groups - those in year 2 and under and those in year 3 and above. They also spend some time all together either for a game, song or prayer before the end of their session.
The children will be brought back into church at the end of the service to find you.
Parents/carers are welcome can stay in the service for come through to COGs with their child/children. A parent/carer must stay on site.
Babies and under 2s
Sometimes babies and under 2s stay in for the whole service or you may like to take them into COGs.
If you stay in church the sofa area at the back has some toys and space to play / roll around on the floor. If you go into COGs, we ask a parent/carer to stay with under 2s.
Intergenerational services
Usually once a month we have an intergenerational service where the children don't have a separate COGs session in the hall. There'll be plenty to enable all ages to worship God and learn from each other. Sometimes we have a choice between activities for part of the service.
Funday Sunday
On the second Sunday of the month, children and their families are invited to join Funday Sunday. This starts a bit earlier (10am). There's lots more info here.