Tots Time is for 0 to 4 year olds and their carers on a Wednesday. On the first Wednesday of the month it's Tune Tots and the other Wednesdays are Story Tots.
Tots Time runs from 1:30-2pm and is followed by Beacon Cafe (2-4pm) if you'd like to stay for a cuppa and some cake. Plenty of space for buggies and toys for babies and toddlers.
Tune Tots
On the first Wednesday of the month we have Tune Tots. A session of fun, music and chatter. We include a mixture of songs with musical instruments and other visual aids such as bubbles or parachutes.

Story Tots
On the other Wednesdays in the month we have a time of sharing stories. These will usually follow a different theme each week, either linked to a national date or something happening in the life of the Church.
We welcome any age of youngsters not yet in school so they can enjoy sharing stories, if your little ones are very young then do still come as it's a great time to link up with other families and chat to our team.
After story time there is a tuff tray linked to the theme to play and explore as well as a simple craft or colouring. Toys and space for play are available to be enjoyed for the rest of the afternoon while the Beacon Cafe is open.