On Sundays we gather for worship. We hope everyone will find a home with us as we gather to encounter God together.
The 9:15 service
Usually 4th Sundays
A reflective Holy Communion service in the Methodist Hall lasting about 30 minutes. The Hall is at the rear of the church. It can be accessed by the path along the right-hand side of the building.

The 10:30 service
These services vary in style and are not led by our minister every week. The service lasts about 45 minutes. We celebrate Holy Communion about once a month – usually on the third Sunday.
Sometimes we have an ‘All In’ service where everyone stays in together. This is often on the 4th Sunday. But most Sundays, children are then invited to attend their own separate session in the hall after the second song.
You can seek guidance at any time from our church stewards. You should be able to spot them as they will be wearing name badges. We have a loop system for those with hearing aids – please switch your aid to the ‘T’ setting.

Second Sunday
The second Sunday is a little different. The 10:30am service meets in the Methodist Hall and children are invited to join Funday Sunday in the main church.
Funday Sunday meets from 10-11:15am for children and their parents and carers.