Connect Groups
Sharing life and faith
We believe that faith is best lived out with others and so encourage individuals to join a small group. Methodism has repeatedly affirmed the way in which small groups can enrich an individual’s faith.
We call our groups, “Connect groups”. They vary in style and approach, but all aim to build each other up.
We hope that reading through the descriptions below will help you choose a group to try out. Someone on the leadership team would also be happy to help you choose one to try.
Once you’ve chosen a group you'd like to try out, contact us ( and we’ll link you up with the group leader.
Worship On Wednesday
Leader: Peter Manning
Where: Romsey Methodist Church hall
When: Wednesday 10:30am, for about an hour
What: Primarily Bible study and discussion, enjoying digging into scripture. We use various leaders from within the group, following a theme or book of the Bible for a few weeks. Prayer, singing, worship, and fellowship are an integral part of WOW.
Thursday Afternoon Fellowship
Leader: Irene Bourne
Where: Romsey Methodist Church hall
When: Thursday 2:30pm, for about an hour
What: TAFs is an ecumenical group who meet to listen to good speakers on a wide range of interesting subjects.
Ideas Exchange
Leader: Meghan Elkin
Where: The Exchange, Romsey
When: Thursday every few weeks from 8-9pm
What: This is a women’s discussion group over a drink (The Exchange have a wider range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic options). At each session we work through questions to help us to consider life and connect with each other. There is no focus on practising or growing in faith, but we do discuss some topics related to faith. Instead this group is about feeling connected to others. Contact us to find out the date of the next session.
Breakfast Talk
Leader: Pete Manning
Where: the restaurant at Bradbeers
When: 4th Saturday in the month (9am for about an hour)
What: Join us for breakfast and guided conversation with Christian Friends. We will go into the upstairs restaurant for a breakfast of your choice, from just coffee to the full works!